New Book "Billy Beware!" with Audio CD
Now available to purchase with the Play, or as an Online Storytelling Presentation.

Sunday, 16 February 2025


 I am temporarily interrupting my flow of newsletters as I am reminded of an important date.

On 8th May 2025 we will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II.

I wish to take this opportunity to remind my readers of our popular play entitled

 “World War II”

This production is suitable for the whole junior age range and years 7 & 8 in the secondary schools.

The interactive 75 minutes play follows the fortunes of a typical working class London family during the whole period of war-torn Britain.

All the major issues, evacuation, rationing, make do and mend, air-raid shelters, black market, home guard and more are covered. With genuine extracts of speeches, sound effects, props and costumes it brings to life the reality of life at the time.

To make it both educational and enjoyable, we have added a good touch of humour.

In addition to the play, we offer 75 minutes Drama Workshops.

You will find many pictures and commendations on our website, and I will happily tell you more.

As I write, we have availability for the Spring term.

For more information, or to discuss a booking, please give me a call on 07836 731872 or email

 Here are some pictures from our performances. Enjoy Albert....

Saturday, 18 January 2025


 In my last post I mentioned how times have changed. However, as the French would say

la plus ca change, la plus c’est la meme chose

Progress can be a double-edged sword.

We are all familiar with the phrase “one step forward and two steps back”

Okay, enough of the idioms, now to the point.

The average per-pupil funding in schools for 2023-24 was £7,460. For 2024-25 it is expected to rise by a little over 3%.

How does this compare with increased Government spending in other areas?

 Not too well I think you will find.

What it does mean is that with limited budgets, every pound has to be spent wisely.

So, this is where Aesop’s Touring Theatre Company comes in with our moto


When a school says they cannot afford us, we endeavour to meet their budget, no matter how tight that may be.

Theatre in Education is as important today as it was 20 years ago when we were struggling to fit all the bookings in a school year of less than 200 days.

Maybe, just maybe, those halcyon days will return.

But, until then, we are only a call or an email away.

Allow me to whet your appetite with some of these.

 Albert …..