In this business the one thing you can be sure of is you will be breaking your neck to meet commitments during National Book Week.
Christmas may take some schools by surprise. Oh, should we have booked earlier is heard only too often in early December.
Never so for N.B.W. Oh no, we are already being asked for next March, and we have yet to recover from this one.
Now the one thing of which you may be certain is that the schools that book early will be in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Motorway! What motorway? Try and find one in Suffolk. Of course there is the M11, or motorway to nowhere as I prefer to call it. Dumped in Cambridge and then what? You may try the A12. Okay to Ipswich, but thereafter watch out for moving haystacks.
Not that I am complaining, business is business. But it would be nice to have the occasional lie in say, to 6 a.m.
Oh, must remember to get to bed early tonight, have to be up at 5!!!