New Book "Billy Beware!" with Audio CD
Now available to purchase with the Play, or as an Online Storytelling Presentation.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


It seems everyone is leaving!
Well, let me assure you WE ARE STAYING.
We are committed to weathering the financial storm and emerge with high flying "sales" (excuse the pun).
2020 sees us on course to producing a new fully interactive play titled
                                                  "LIFESTYLE CHOICES" 

The following is a definition of something with which you may now be all too familiar:
"Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education is a school curriculum subject in England and Ireland (known as SPHE-Social, Physical and Health Education) which focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep children and young people healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work.[1] PSHE education is defined by the schools inspectorate Ofsted as a planned programme to help children and young people develop fully as individuals and as members of families and social and economic communities. Its goal is to equip young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly."
In other words, it has been seen fit to devolve the responsibility of presumably irresponsible parents who have abdicated their parental duties and place it in the hands of school teachers.

AESOP'S TOURING THEATRE COMPANY is rising to the challenge, and assisting with this complex subject.
The play we will be launching will be for our core audiences of key stages 1 and 2 and deal with major issues of the day.
The children will engage in scenarios depicting the appropriate action to be taken or advice to be given in situations created to ensure healthy and sensible decisions, safety and well-being.
I will say no more at present, but watch this space as we move ahead with this exciting new programme. 
Until next time,

Thursday, 2 January 2020


I guess the real question for schools is DO WE BELIEVE BORIS?
On the run-up to the election the schools were promised more money; not lots more, and probably not enough to put them where they should be had previous governments not ignored them.
But, let us look on the bright side. Any increase above the current moderate rate of inflation may just mean that LIVE DRAMA will not remain on the back burner.
Heaven knows we have done our bit to help.
We offer rates that have not increased for many years.
You have only to ask and we will do all we can to assist.
Just take a moment to look at our website and you will see what is available, and it may not end there.
We will always listen to tails of woe.
Let us join in prayer that 2020 will bring a whole new lease of life to the education sector.
On a happy note as I leave take a look at these smiling faces.....