New Book "Billy Beware!" with Audio CD
Now available to purchase with the Play, or as an Online Storytelling Presentation.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024


I have distant memories of school trips to the theatre when I was quite young, particularly before the Christmas break when it would be a popular pantomime.

We were lucky to have a theatre close by so we could walk there; a long crocodile with a teacher at the front and another at the rear. Not now of course. With the advent of “elf & safety” the teachers nearly outnumber the kids!

And that is not all that has changed. Back in the day, the teachers got in for free. Not so now. Well with so many of them, who can blame the theatres for charging.

Years ago, classes were much smaller, so it was a simple job to count the numbers leaving and ensuring the same number returned. Glad to say we never lost a child.

Of course, not all could do the trip on foot, so often coaches were needed. No big deal. A bit like getting on a bus. Not so simple now though. The cost of the coach will often outweigh the theatre tickets.

So, where is all this leading you ask, well, TO US


Book us to come to you and you will save on the coach fare, not have to provide several teachers and assistants, not have to count the children in and out and, most importantly, not have any concerns over “elf & safety”.

And, if that is not reason enough, think of the time lost on administering the trip, and the teaching time lost in travelling.

We have something to offer for all ages at a reasonable cost and we do the hassle. All you need do is provide a space. Oh, and a "cuppa" would be welcomed.

Please give it some thought.

Until next time some more pictures, Albert….

Tuesday, 19 November 2024


As we are approaching the year end, I am taking the opportunity to remind you of the scripted plays we love to perform at your school.

Starting with the youngest and working through the whole primary age range, we are currently carrying the following:

For Nursery, Reception and Key Stage One performances with a strong message delivered in a fun-filled, light-hearted manner with masses of humour, music, songs and audience participation.

"The Adventures of the Gingerbread Man": a clear reminder to be happy with what you have.  

"The Hare & the Tortoise": the value of true friendship.

"Not such an Ugly Duckling": a reminder that bullying is very unkind, and will not be tolerated.

"Billy Beware!": awareness to danger in the house, garden, park and outdoors generally.

For Key Stage Two plays that are linked to the National Curriculum and fully researched for accuracy of content. Also delivered in a fun-filled, light-hearted way with plenty of humour, music, songs and audience participation.

“The Story of Aesop’s Fables” – Eight of the best-known fables performed by actors in half masks depicting animals to illustrate the morals.

“Timeline” – English history from stone-age to the present day; with many important characters and events portrayed by one actor employing numerous costumes and props.

“Henry VIII” – From the death of Henry Tudor to the death of Henry VIII; a play with 15 characters and an execution for good measure.

“Search for the Lost Tomb” – An expedition into the lives of the Ancient Egyptians with an eccentric professor and her faithful aid, and a mummification to enthrall the audience.

“World War II” – Follow the trials and tribulations of a typical working-class London family during the whole period of war-torn Britain. So much nostalgia and emotion for those who experienced it.

“Robin Hood Rescues the Forest” – An environmental, ecological study with all the Robin Hood characters, and a touch of Morris Dancing thrown in.

I suggest you check our website for the many commendations on all the above.

Next time I will tell you about what else we can offer but, in the meantime, a few pictures.






Tuesday, 15 October 2024


I am invariably amazed that Christmas takes so many people by surprise.

 After all, it does come on the same date every year!

But, notwithstanding that, so many schools get in touch at the last minute and often find that the last day of term has already been booked. In fact, probably booked six or more months earlier.

Of course, I understand that teachers have enough on their plates, and last minute treats for the kids may present a problem.

If you find yourself in that position, we are here to help.

Our principal actor, Karen, is also a Drama Teacher and, when she is not performing one of her plays, or portraying Sybil from Fawlty Towers, or conducting Murder Mysteries, she may be found in a school helping students with their Drama Lessons.

Not only that but, with a qualified team, and bringing her expertise to the fore, she can assist schools with their own Christmas productions. After all, she did write, produce and direct all the plays Aesop’s Theatre Company performs, including the music, songs, choreography and everything else required to create a successful show.

So, if you are struggling with finding the time and resources to tackle the job, remember we are here to assist.

Before I leave, take a look at this collage of our plays and workshops.  Albert…...

Friday, 27 September 2024


                                                                Here is an easy question.

What is in the news every day?

You got it.


Since this is not just the flavour of the month, but something rather serious that should concern us all, Aesop’s Touring Theatre Company has produced a play for the primary age range vividly explaining the part we all can play in combating this threat.

“Robin Hood Rescues the Forest

is a 75 minutes interactive play that tackles the need to protect the environment, with strong messages delivered in a light-hearted, fun-filled way. Put simply, Prince John has decided to burn down Sherwood Forest to rid it finally of outlaws. Yes, he is quite mad, as the audience quickly point out, but that will not deter him.

All the legendary Robin Hood characters are portrayed in costume and the audience become part of the action, joining in with the humour, songs and music. Some lucky ones get to display their skills with a spot of Morris Dancing.

Bookings for this new production have exceeded our expectations. I urge you to get on board.

Until next time with more popular shows, some pictures from the production,




Sunday, 8 September 2024


I now wish to tell you about our most ambitious project to date.

This is an 85 minutes extravaganza performed entirely by one actor with a myriad of props and costumes, depicting history through the ages from Stone Age Man to the Present Day.



From Stone Age to Modern Technology

 A play performed by one actor and many of your children.

 This is a particularly interactive production with many props, costumes, music and sound effects; in which the children work with the actor in portraying the growth of civilization and embracing major moments, characters and events in history.

 The play has been fully researched for accuracy of content, and contains a good deal of humour to ensure it is both educational and enjoyable.

Read the reviews on our website and take a look at some of these pictures.



Tuesday, 16 July 2024



This is the first play written way back in 1999


From a very early age Karen Brooks L.L.A.M. (Hons.) Dipl. was determined to become an actor and, as a first step, decided to write a play in which she could act.

From her apartment in Ealing, West London, she circulated over 200 London schools and, in her first year, received 63 bookings; the first from a S.E.N. School in Ealing on the Ides of March 1999.

Amazed, but delighted at her success, over the next few years she added nine more plays and numerous drama workshops to her portfolio.

With the aid of a picturesque set, half masks, costumes and props, two actors portray eight of the most loved and best-known fables, ensuring the associated morals are delivered in a fun-filled, light-hearted and interactive manner without ever losing sight of their importance.

To quote Karen

  Aesop’s Fables”

  “A fun filled story packed with surprises and lots of audience participation, encouraging children to question their own morals through entertainment”

As always, some pictures from the show, Albert…..


Tuesday, 25 June 2024


                            I have mentioned my favourite history play “Henry VIII”

I have also told you about “Search for the Lost Tomb”.

Still on the subject of history, I now wish to turn to something quite different. We have taken a very dark subject and, with much poetic licence, but without ever losing sight of the facts, turned it into a light-hearted, fun-filled production.

I refer to our play


Two actors, with the aid of many props and costumes, and a delightful set adorned with original war-time artefacts, depict a typical working class London family during the whole period of the war.

 More than that, we have an Air Raid Warden, a member of the Home Guard, a School Teacher, a Policeman, a Wireless Quiz Interviewer with his glamorous assistant Doris, and, of course a Black-Market Spiv.

 Oh, and be wary of the black-market spiv. He may try to sell you some chocolate and sweets and you know you have already used up your meagre supply of coupons.

There are extracts of speeches by the Prime Ministers, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill, and many authentic sound effects. Listen out for the doodle bugs and be very afraid when the sounds stop.

 All the major issues like evacuation, rationing, make do and mend, and many more are covered during war-torn Britain.

In particular, be moved by the last scene that I will not spoil by telling you more.

 Until I next write, take a look at some pictures.


Sunday, 19 May 2024


                The last time I wrote I told you about my favourite play “Henry VIII”.

 Following close on its heels comes




This is an absolute must for those classes studying Ancient Egypt.

Brim full of facts, this historical portrayal of life around three thousand years BC, is packed with major events, characters and drama as our professor and her loyal guide and companion explore the River Nile, Desert, Cities and Pyramids.

Discover how little you know about the simple date palm.

Experience a dust storm

Go into battle with the great Pharoah Ramesses II and his Pet Lion.

Meet a young boy studying hieroglyphics and hieratics.

Enter the catacombs in search of the lost mummy.

Track the path of latter-day tomb robbers.

And more.



Take a look at these until I next write, Albert
