I have distant memories of school trips to the theatre when I was quite young, particularly before the Christmas break when it would be a popular pantomime.
We were lucky to have a theatre close by so we could walk there; a long crocodile with a teacher at the front and another at the rear. Not now of course. With the advent of “elf & safety” the teachers nearly outnumber the kids!
And that is not all that has changed. Back in the day, the teachers got in for free. Not so now. Well with so many of them, who can blame the theatres for charging.
Years ago, classes were much smaller, so it was a simple job to count the numbers leaving and ensuring the same number returned. Glad to say we never lost a child.
Of course, not all could do the trip on foot, so often coaches were needed. No big deal. A bit like getting on a bus. Not so simple now though. The cost of the coach will often outweigh the theatre tickets.
So, where is
all this leading you ask, well, TO US
Book us to come to you and you will save on the coach fare, not have to provide several teachers and assistants, not have to count the children in and out and, most importantly, not have any concerns over “elf & safety”.
And, if that is not reason enough, think of the time lost on administering the trip, and the teaching time lost in travelling.
We have something to offer for all ages at a reasonable cost and we do the hassle. All you need do is provide a space. Oh, and a "cuppa" would be welcomed.
Please give it some thought.
Until next time some more pictures, Albert….